
TypeScript Support

One of the benefits of Deno is that it treats TypeScript as a first class language, just like JavaScript or Web Assembly, when running code in Deno. What that means is you can run or import TypeScript without installing anything more than the Deno CLI.

How does it work?#

At a high level, Deno converts TypeScript (as well as TSX and JSX) into JavaScript. It does this via a combination of the TypeScript compiler, which we build into Deno, and a Rust library called swc. When the code has been type checked and transformed, it is stored in a cache, ready for the next run without the need to convert it from its source to JavaScript again.

Strict by default#

Deno type checks TypeScript in strict mode by default, and the TypeScript core team recommends strict mode as a sensible default. This mode generally enables features of TypeScript that probably should have been there from the start, but as TypeScript continued to evolve, would be breaking changes for existing code.

Mixing JavaScript and TypeScript#

By default, Deno does not type check JavaScript. This can be changed, and is discussed further in Configuring TypeScript in Deno. Deno does support JavaScript importing TypeScript and TypeScript importing JavaScript, in complex scenarios.

An important note though is that when type checking TypeScript, by default Deno will "read" all the JavaScript in order to be able to evaluate how it might have an impact on the TypeScript types. The type checker will do the best it can to figure out what the types are of the JavaScript you import into TypeScript, including reading any JSDoc comments. Details of this are discussed in detail in the Types and type declarations section.

Type resolution#

One of the core design principles of Deno is to avoid non-standard module resolution, and this applies to type resolution as well. If you want to utilize JavaScript that has type definitions (e.g. a .d.ts file), you have to explicitly tell Deno about this. The details of how this is accomplished are covered in the Types and type declarations section.

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