
Release Notes

0.8.0 - 2023-01-31#

  • Update dependency: realtime-csharp@5.0.0
    • Re: #21 Provide API for presence, broadcast and postgres_changes
      • [Major, New] Channel.PostgresChanges event will receive the wildcard * changes event, not Channel.OnMessage.
      • [Major] Channel.OnInsert, Channel.OnUpdate, and Channel.OnDelete now conform to the server's payload of Response.Payload.**Data**
      • [Major] Channel.OnInsert, Channel.OnUpdate, and Channel.OnDelete now return PostgresChangesEventArgs
      • [Minor] Rename Channel to RealtimeChannel
      • Supports better handling of disconnects in RealtimeSocket and adds a Client.OnReconnect event.
      • [Minor] Moves ChannelOptions to Channel.ChannelOptions
      • [Minor] Moves ChannelStateChangedEventArgs to Channel.ChannelStateChangedEventArgs
      • [Minor] Moves Push to Channel.Push
      • [Minor] Moves Channel.ChannelState to Constants.ChannelState
      • [Minor] Moves SocketResponse, SocketRequest, SocketResponsePayload, SocketResponseEventArgs, and SocketStateChangedEventArgs to Socket namespace.
      • [New] Adds RealtimeBroadcast
      • [New] Adds RealtimePresence
      • [Improvement] Better handling of disconnection/reconnection
  • Update dependency: postgrest-csharp@3.1.3
    • Another fix for #61 which further typechecks nullable values.

0.7.2 - 2023-01-27#

  • Update dependency: gotrue-csharp@3.0.4
    • Makes Session.CreatedAt a publicly settable property, which should fix incorrect dates on retrieved Sessions.
  • Update dependency: postgrest-csharp@3.1.2
    • Fix #61 which did not correctly parse Linq Where when encountering a nullable type.
    • Add missing support for transforming for == null and != null

0.7.1 - 2023-01-17#

  • Update dependency: postgrest-csharp@3.1.1
    • Fix issue from supabase-community/supabase-csharp#48 where boolean model properties would not be evaluated in predicate expressions

0.7.0 - 2023-01-16#

  • Update dependency: postgrest-csharp@3.1.0
    • [Minor] Breaking API Change: PrimaryKey attribute defaults to shouldInsert: false as most uses will have the Database generate the primary key.
    • Merged #60 which Added linq support for Select, Where, OnConflict, Columns, Order, Update, Set, and Delete

0.6.2 - 2022-11-22#

  • Update dependency: postgrest-csharp@3.0.4
    • GetHeaders is now passed to ModeledResponse and BaseModel so that the default Update and Delete methods use the latest credentials
    • GetHeaders is used in Rpc calls (re: #39)

0.6.1 - 2022-11-12#

  • [Hotfix] GetHeaders was not passing properly to SupabaseTable and Gotrue.Api

0.6.0 - 2022-11-12#


  • Client is no longer a singleton, singleton interactions (if desired) are left to the developer to implement.
  • Client supports injection of dependent clients after initialization via property:
    • Auth
    • Functions
    • Realtime
    • Postgrest
    • Storage
  • SupabaseModel contains no logic but remains for backwards compatibility. (Marked Obsolete)
  • ClientOptions.ShouldInitializeRealtime was removed (no longer auto initialized)
  • ClientOptions now references an ISupabaseSessionHandler which specifies expected functionality for session persistence on Gotrue (replaces ClientOptions.SessionPersistor, ClientOptions.SessionRetriever, and ClientOptions.SessionDestroyer).
  • supabase-csharp and all child libraries now have support nullity

Other Changes:

  • Update dependency: functions-csharp@1.2.1
  • Update dependency: gotrue-csharp@3.0.2
  • Update dependency: postgrest-csharp@3.0.2
  • Update dependency: realtime-csharp@4.0.1
  • Update dependency: supabase-storage-csharp@1.2.3
  • Update dependency: supabase-core@0.0.2

Big thank you to @veleek for his insight into these changes.

Re: #35, #34, #23, #36

0.5.3 - 2022-10-11#

  • Update dependency: postgrest-csharp@2.1.0
    • [Minor] Breaking API change: Remove BaseModel.PrimaryKeyValue and BaseModel.PrimaryKeyColumn in favor of a PrimaryKey dictionary with support for composite keys.
    • Re: #48 - Add support for derived models on ReferenceAttribute
    • Re: #49 - Added Match(T model)

0.5.2 - 2022-9-13#

  • Update dependency: postgrest-csharp@2.0.12
    • Merged #47 which added cancellation token support to Table<T> methods. Thanks @devpikachu!

0.5.1 - 2022-8-1#

  • Update dependency: postgrest-csharp@2.0.11
  • Update dependency: supabase-storage-csharp@1.1.1

0.5.0 - 2022-7-17#

  • Update dependency: postgrest-csharp@2.0.9
  • Update dependency: realtime-csharp@3.0.1
  • Update dependency: supabase-storage-csharp@1.1.0
    • API Change [Breaking/Minor] Library no longer uses WebClient and instead leverages HttpClient. Progress events on Upload and Download are now handled with EventHandler<float> instead of WebClient EventHandlers.

0.4.4 - 2022-5-24#

  • Update dependency: gotrue-csharp@2.4.5
  • Update dependency: postgrest-csharp@2.0.8

0.4.3 - 2022-5-13#

  • Update dependency: gotrue-csharp@2.4.4

0.4.2 - 2022-4-30#

  • Update dependency: gotrue-csharp@2.4.3

0.4.1 - 2022-4-23#

  • Update dependency: gotrue-csharp@2.4.2

0.4.0 - 2022-4-12#

  • Add support for functions-csharp@1.0.1, giving access to invoking Supabase's edge functions.
  • Update dependency: gotrue-csharp@2.4.1

0.3.5 - 2022-4-11#

  • Update dependency: postgres-csharp@2.0.7

0.3.4 - 2022-03-28#

  • Update dependency: gotrue-csharp@2.4.0

0.3.3 - 2022-02-27#

  • Update dependency: gotrue-csharp@2.3.6
  • Update dependency: supabase-storage-csharp@1.0.2

0.3.2 - 2022-02-18#

0.3.1 - 2022-01-20#

  • Update dependency: gotrue-csharp@2.3.5
    • #23 Added redirect_url option for MagicLink sign in (Thanks @MisterJimson)
    • #21 Added SignOut method to Stateless Client (Thanks @fplaras)

0.3.0 - 2021-12-30#

  • Update dependency: postgrest-csharp@2.0.6
    • Add support for NullValueHandling to be specified on a Column Attribute and for it to be honored on Inserts and Updates. Defaults to: NullValueHandling.Include.
      • Implements #38
  • Update dependency: realtime-csharp@2.0.8
    • Implement Upstream Realtime RLS Error Broadcast Handler
      • Implements #12
    • SocketResponse now exposes a method: OldModel, that hydrates the OldRecord property into a model.

0.2.12 - 2021-12-29#

  • Update dependency: gotrue-csharp@2.3.3
    • SignUp will return a Session with a populated User object on an unconfirmed signup.
      • Fixes #19
      • Developers who were using a null check on Session.User will need to adjust accordingly.
  • Update dependency: postgrest-csharp@2.0.5
    • Fix for #37 - Return Type minimal would fail to resolve because of incorrect Accept headers. Added header and test to verify for future.
    • Fix for #36 - Inserting/Upserting bulk records would fail while doing an unnecessary generic coercion.

0.2.11 - 2021-12-24#

  • Update dependency: gotrue-csharp@2.3.2 (changes CreateUser parameters to conform to AdminUserAttributes)
  • Update dependency: realtime-csharp@2.0.7

0.2.10 - 2021-12-23#

  • Update dependency: gotrue-csharp@2.3.0 (adds metadata support for user signup, see #14)

0.2.9 - 2021-12-9#

  • Separate Storage client from Supabase repo and into storage-csharp, supabase-csharp now references new repo.

0.2.8 - 2021-12-4#

  • Update gotrue-csharp to 2.2.4
    • Adds support for ListUsers (paginate, sort, filter), GetUserById, CreateUser, and UpdateById

0.2.7 - 2021-12-2#

  • Update gotrue-csharp to 2.2.3
    • Adds support for sending password resets to users.

0.2.6 - 2021-11-29#

  • Support for #12
  • Update realtime-csharp to 2.0.6
  • Update gotrue-csharp to 2.2.2
  • Add StatelessClient re:#7